Active ingredients:
atrazine, mesotrione, S-metolachlor, bicyclopyrone
Site of action groups:
5, 27, 15, 27
EPA reg number:
Restricted use product or combination:
Rate (per A):
soils with less than 3% organic matter - 2.5 qts/A; soils with more than 3% organic matter - 3.0 qts/A
Application timing:
Preplant, preemergence or postemergence up to 12-inch field corn and inbreds. Apply preplant or preemergence to yellow popcorn and sweet corn. Do not apply to white popcorn.
Rotation intervals:
Time to wait to plant following application (months; NR = no restrictions):
corn - NR;wheat - 4; oats - 18; alfalfa - 18; clover - 18; soybeans - 10; tomatoes - 18; popcorn - NR; sweet corn - NR.
NIS can be used when Acuron is applied to emerged corn. AMS can be added when mixed with glyphosate. Use of COC may result in temporary crop injury. Otherwise, do not apply with MSO or nitrogen based adjuvants (AMS, UAN, etc.), or use fertilizer solution as the carrier after corn has emerged.