Active ingredients:
Site of action groups:
EPA reg number:
Rate (per A):
corn - 0.5 to 1 oz; soybean - 0.25 to 0.5 oz
Application timing:
POST: corn - before 8-collar stage; soybean - V3 to V10.
Rotation intervals:
No restrictions
CORN. Can be applied to all types of corn. Apply with NIS (0.25% v/v). UAN (2 to 4 gallons/100 gallons) or AMS (2 to 4 lbs/A) can be added if recommended for use with other herbicides in a mix with aim. In general, Aim should not be mixed with COC or EC formulations of other herbicides in order to avoid excessive crop injury. The label does allow use of COC under dry conditions and in specific mixtures. Add Aim to the spray tank first, before adding other products. SOYBEAN. Apply with NIS (0.25% v/v)