Active ingredients:
Site of action groups:
EPA reg number:
Restricted use product or combination:
Rate (per A):
Maximum soil-applied rate on soils not highly erodible is 2 pounds of active ingredient per acre. Maximum rate on highly erodible soils is 2 pounds active ingredient on fields with at least 30% crop residue, and 1.6 pounds active ingredient on fields with less than 30% crop residue. Soil applications may be followed with a postemergence ap- plication of atrazine, but total of all treatments cannot exceed 2.5 pounds active ingredient per acre per year.
Application timing:
Preplant, preemergence or postemergence up to 12-inch corn
Rotation intervals:
Time to wait to plant following application (months; NR = no restrictions): corn - NR; wheat - 14; oats - 21; alfalfa - 21; clover - 21; soybeans - 10; tomatoes - 21; popcorn - NR; sweet corn - NR.