CORN: Less than 3% OM: coarse textured - 1.5-2 qts; medium textured - 1.5-2.75 qts; fine-textured - 1.5-2.75 qts; 3% or greater OM: coarse textured - 2 qts; medium textured - 2-2.75 qts; fine-textured - 2.75-3 qts. SOYBEANS PRE (soils with >1.5% OM - coarse textured - 1.5-1.7 qts; medium textured - 1.25-1.9 qts; fine-textured - 1.25-2 qts. SOYBEANS POST - Optimum timing and rate of application (when applied postemergence with glyphosate) is 1.5 qts/A when weeds are 2 to 4 inches tall, and soybeans are at V2 to V3. Labeled rates range from 1.25 to 2 qts/A depending upon soil texture and organic matter content.
Preplant, preeemergence or postemergence. POST: CORN - up to 30 inches; SOYBEANS - prior to R2 stage
Time to wait to plant following application (months; NR = no restrictions): corn - NR; wheat - 4; oats - 10; alfalfa - 9; clover - 9; soybeans - NR; tomatoes - 18; popcorn - NR; sweet corn - NR