Active ingredients:
clopyralid, fluroxyoyr
Site of action groups:
Dow AgroSciences
EPA reg number:
Restricted use product or combination:
Rate (per A):
1.3 pts/A
Application timing:
Broadcast up to the V5 stage of field corn and when weeds are less than 8 inches tall. Applications when corn is past the V5 stage should be made as a directed spray using drop nozzles.
Crop injury, including stem curvature, stunting, and brace root injury can occur with some corn hybrids when Wide- Match is applied as a broadcast treatment. Hybrids susceptible to phenoxy injury may also be susceptible to injury from WideMatch
Rotation intervals:
Time to wait to plant following application (months; NR = no restrictions): corn - NR; wheat - NR; oats - NR; alfalfa - 10.5; clover - bioassay; soybeans - 10.5; tomatoes - bioassay; popcorn - 4; sweet corn - 4