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HCS Weed Database

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Active ingredients: 
halosufuron, dicamba
Site of action groups: 
2, 4
EPA reg number: 
Restricted use product or combination: 
Rate (per A): 

4 to 8 oz/A. yellow nutsedge - 6 to 8 oz/A

Application timing: 

Postemergence from spike to 36-inch corn


Apply with NIS (1 to 2 quarts/100 gallons) or COC (1 gallon/100 gallons). COC may cause injury at the higher Yukon rates. UAN (28% UAN, etc. - 2 to 4 quarts/A) or AMS (2 to 4 lbs/A) can be added to improve control of certain weeds or if required for another herbicide in the spray mix

Rotation intervals: 

Time to wait to plant following application (months; NR = no restrictions): corn - 1; wheat - 2; oats - 2; alfalfa - 9; clover - 9; soybeans - 9; tomatoes - 8; popcorn - 3; sweet corn - 3