Updating Crops and Applications Term Lists
The crops and applications term lists need to be populated before Herbicides and Weeds can be added.
- From the administration menu, go to Structure, Taxonomy, and then click on Applications or Crops.
- Click the Add term link to add a term that does not exist in the list.
- For the term name, use all lowercase, with hyphens instead of spaces. The term name will become part of the url for the weed tables.
- The other fields can be ignored/left as default.
- Click Save.
Adding Weeds and Herbicides
- From the administration menu, go to Content, Add Content, and then click on Weed or Herbicide.
- For creating the weed tables, you must complete the Name, Crops, and Applications fields for both content types. For Weeds, you must also complete the Type.
Adding the Effectiveness Ratings for the Weed Tables
- From the administration menu, go to Configuration, System, and then click HCS Weed Science Application.
- Select the Crop and Application you want to record effectiveness ratings for.
- Enter the effectiveness ratings for the herbicides and weeds in the table and then Submit.
- You can repeat the process immediately for another Crop and Application.
The weed tables will be automatically generated with the following url format: https://herbselector.osu.edu/weed-tables/<crop>/<application>
For example: https://herbselector.osu.edu/weed-tables/field-corn/spring-burndown
Deleting Crops or Applications
- From the administration menu, go to Structure, Taxonomy, and then click on Applications or Crops.
- Click the Edit link for the term you would like to delete.
- Click Delete from the bottom of the form.