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HCS Weed Database

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


2020 OSU Weed Science Field Research Results

OSU Weed Science Field Research Results - 2020


20ALITE27 Residual Weed Control with Alite 27 in No-Tillage Soybeans 1
20FMCSOY Authority Programs in No-Tillage Soybeans 2
20PANTHERNT Panther and Panther MTZ Burndown and Residual 3
20FALLSOY1 FMC Fall Burndown Programs Soybean 4
20FALLSOY2 UPL Fall and Spring Burndown No-Tillage Soybeans 5
20VALENTRRXNT Valent Actives in No-Till Xtend Soybeans 14 EPP 6
20VALENTRRXNT2 Valent Actives in No-Till Xtend Soybeans PRE 7
20ENGENIA Engenia Prime and Pro Vs. Competitors Early Post Residual 8
20A23372 A23372 Efficacy and Crop Safety in Soybean 9
20VALENTRRXCT Valent Actives in Conventional Tillage Xtend Soybeans 10
20TAVIUM Tavium Tank-mix PRE and POST Options 11
20RRXFLEX Dicamba/Glyphosate Premix Efficacy and Crop Safety 12
20RRXFLEXYLD XtendFlex Soybean Herbicide Programs 13
20SOYYLD Soybean Systems Comparisons Efficacy and Yield 14
20LLSOY Valent Actives in Conventional Till Liberty Link Soybeans 15
20HELMZONE Zone Defense Efficacy and Crop Safety in Soybeans 16
20ENLIST Enlist Weed Control Systems 17
20SOYSHOWCASE Soybean Showcase Treatments - Enlist 18
20LIBSURF Glufosinate Surfactant Increased Activity Trial 19
20MSUGARR Glyphosate/Glufosinate Interactions with GARRCO Surfactants 20
20MSUSOY Glyphosate/Glufosinate Tank-mix Interactions 21
20DOSE Glyphosate/Glufosinate Dose Response Alone and Tank-mixed 22

Bareground Trials

20TOUGH1              Tough 5 EC Burndown Programs - Soybeans 23
20TOUGH2 Tough 5 EC Burndown Programs - Corn 24
20XTENDBG XTEND Burndown Programs - Marestail Efficacy 25
20HELMBD HAI-02218-339 Burndown Efficacy on Giant Ragweed 26


20FALLCORN1 UPL - Fall ans Spring Burndown Programs Corn 27
20ACURONXR Acuron XR and Acuron Flexi Weed Control and Crop Tolerance                    28
20ACURONGT Acuron GT Weed Control and Crop Tolerance 29
20ACURONGT1PASS   Acuron GT Weed Control and Crop Tolerance in a One Pass System 30
20CORNSHOWCASE Showcase Weed Control Programs in Corn 31
20LLCORN Weed Control Systems in Liberty Link Corn 32
20BAYERPRPO BAYER Corn Portfolio Phyto and Efficacy 33
20SINATE Sinate Crop Safety and Performance 34
20IMPACTCORE Impact Core Crop Safety and Performance 35
20HELMHPPD Parallax Efficacy and Crop Safety in Corn 36
20SL-575 SL-575 Weed Control and Crop Tolerance 37



20SOYMIX          Cover Crop Mixtures for Soybean 38
20SOYMIXNW Cover Crop Mixtures for Soybean - Northwest Branch 39
20GREEN Cover Crop Green Plant Soybean 40