OSU Weed Science Field Research Results - 2021
21FALLSOY1 | NuFarm Fall Herbicides for Dandelion, and Winter Annuals | 1 |
21FALLSOY2 | UPL Fall and Spring Burndown No-Tillage Soybeans | 2 |
21PANTHERNT | Panther and Panther MTZ Burndown and Residual | 3 |
21RRXNT | Reviton and Valent Actives in No-Till Xtend Soybeans | 4 |
21REVITONII | Reviton Soybean Burndown | 5 |
21WINFIELD | WinField metribuzin + sulfentrazone formulation | 6 |
21RRXPRENT | Dicamba paired soil residual in No-Till Soybean | 7 |
21A23372A | A23372A: Crop Tolerance and Efficacy in Conv. Till Soybean | 8 |
21FMCSOY | Soybean Residual with FMC Products | 9 |
21ENLISTSOY | Enlist Soybean Herbcide Programs | 10 |
21BASFSOY | Zidua Pro Soybean Residual Vs. Competitors | 11 |
21AMVACPRE | Preemergence Efficacy of AMVAC Soybean Herbicides | 12 |
21AMVACPO | AMVAC Postemergence Soybean Herbicide Programs | 13 |
21SOYRES | Soybean Residuals for the Control of Waterhemp | 14 |
21SOYRESDV | Soybean Residuals for the Control of Waterhemp II | 15 |
21ZONEDEF | Zone Defense Efficacy and Crop Safety in Soybeans | 19 |
21LIBSURF | Glufosinate Interactions with GARRCO Surfactants | 16 |
21GARRSOY | Glyphosate/Glufosinate Tank-mix Interactions | 17 |
21DOSE | Glyphosate/Glufosinate Dose Response | 18 |
21WARHL | Warrant High Load Crop Safety and Efficacy | 19 |
21SOYYLD | Soybean Trait Systems | 20 |
Bareground Trials
21POWERMAX3 | Roundup PowerMax 3 Formulation | 21 |
21QUIZ+FENOX | Quizalafop - Fenoxaprop Combination | 22 |
21REVBURN | Reviton Burndown Large Marestail | 23 |
21FALLCORN1 | UPL - Fall and Spring Burndown Programs Corn | 24 |
21UPLCORN | UPL - Burndown and Residual Programs in Corn | 25 |
21V10494NT | V10494 Crop Tolerance and Efficacy No-Till Corn | 26 |
21REVITONC1 | Reviton Burndown Programs in Corn I | 27 |
21HELMMAXX | Helm Maxx Programs in No-Till Corn | 28 |
21ACURONGT | Acuron GT Weed Control and Crop Tolerance | 29 |
21CORNSHOW | Showcase Weed Control Programs in Corn | 30 |
21AMVACCRN | AMVAC Corn Portfolio Showcase Trial | 31 |
21RESTRAINT | Restraint Crop Safey and Weed Control | 32 |
21V10494PO | V10494 Crop Tolerance and Efficacy in Con. Till Corn | 33 |
21SHIELDEX | Shieldex Crop Safety and Weed Control | 34 |
21BCS720 | BCS720 Efficacy and Crop Safety in Corn | 35 |
21IMPACTCORE | Impact Core Crop Safety and Performance | 36 |
21SOYMIX | Cover Crop Mixtures for Soybean | 37 |
21GREENPLANT | Cover Crop Mixtures Green Plant in Soybean | 38 |
21RWBCOVER | Rye, Wheat and Barley as Cover Crops in Soybean | 39 |