OSU Weed Science Field Research Yield Results - 2023
23FALLSOY1 | UPL Fall Burndown Programs | 1 |
23FALLSOY2 | UPL Fall and Spring Burndown No-Tillage Soybeans | 2 |
23ENLISTNT | No-Till Enlist Soybeans | 3 |
23ENLIST | Weed Control Programs in Enlist Soybeans | 4 |
23ENLISTII | Weed Control Programs in Enlist Soybeans II | 5 |
23TENDOVO | Tendovo Weed Control Programs | 6 |
23OLR | Overlapping Residuals for Waterhemp Control | 7 |
23LONGTERMCC | Long Term Cover Crop Soybeans | 8 |
23PLANTGREEN | USB Green Plant Cover Crop Study | 9 |
23INTERSEED | USB Interseeded Wheat for Waterhemp Control | 10 |
23FALLCORN1 | UPL - Fall and Spring Burndown Programs Corn | 11 |
23FALLCORN2 | UPL - Burndown and Residual Programs in Corn | 12 |
23STOREN | Weed Control Programs in Corn with Storen | 13 |
23MAVPRPO | Maverick Yield Trial | 14 |