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HCS Weed Database

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Weed Table

Crop: soybean / Application: spring-burndown 

  • Click the heading for a weed to sort the ratings
  • Weed types: = broadleaf / = grass
  • Click the read more icon () to view additional information about the weed
  • Drag or scroll horizontally to view all weeds in the table
  • Click Herbicide titles to view additional information about the herbicide
  • Use the checkboxes to enable/disable the weeds thats are displayed
  • Download results as csv file
alfalfa  Broadleaf
Canada thistle  Broadleaf
common chickweed  Broadleaf
common ragweed  Broadleaf
common ragweed (SOA 2+14R)  Broadleaf
common ragweed (SOA 2+9R)  Broadleaf
common ragweed (SOA 2R)  Broadleaf
cressleaf groundsel  Broadleaf
dandelion  Broadleaf
field pennycress  Broadleaf
giant ragweed  Broadleaf
giant ragweed (SOA 2+9R)  Broadleaf
giant ragweed (SOA 2R)  Broadleaf
hairy vetch  Broadleaf
henbit  Broadleaf
lambsquarters  Broadleaf
lambsquarters (SOA 5R)  Broadleaf
marestail (SOA 2+9R)  Broadleaf
prickly lettuce  Broadleaf
purple deadnettle  Broadleaf
red clover  Broadleaf
shepherdspurse  Broadleaf
wild mustard  Broadleaf
annual bluegrass  Grass
annual ryegrass  Grass
Carolina foxtail  Grass
cereal rye  Grass
orchardgrass  Grass
tall fescue  Grass
wheat  Grass


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